Food – Eliminating Hunger

Urban 1500

Most Deserving families reached out

25,000 Cr

is being Distributed in a small district With massive duplications



Around 30 Cr - 40 Cr

SPENT IN WEDDINGS WITH 30 % of wastage


Reaching out the MOST DESERVING

In the past, the distribution used to take place at the urban level, where the contributor is unaware of the actual status of the receiver. In 2007, Hidayah Foundation's primary drive was to reach out to the most deserving at their doorstep and understand the ground realities before drawing on long-term solutions. In 2009, after identifying slum pockets that required attention, Hidayah Foundation has dedicated its time, resources and energy to systematically engage with scores of families living in the larger Dakshina Kannada district and its outskirts to develop constant and consistent networking.

Among the underprivileged, we have seen thousands of families with orphans/ women who have been abandoned by parents/ spouses. A large number of children are raised in an unhealthy atmosphere without proper food, medicine, clothing, shelter or toilets. They are subjected to many challenges in their lifetime. They struggle to adjust to many disabilities. It is impossible to educate them properly without providing them with the basic minimum facilities.

Initially, almost 1500 most deserving families were reached out to, through the Ramadhan kit campaign and data was collected. Information related to basic needs, health, education and their status of income was systematically recorded to identify their area of requirement, which differs from family to family.

It was a massive campaign to identify and supply immediate basic needs to the most deserving families who had been suffering for decades and out of reach areas. Initially, Hidayah Foundation rendered all kinds of help as and when they came across (food distribution, clothing, housing, toilets, electrification, education aid, assistance for marriage, and medical aid). The upliftment of the downtrodden starts from identifying them, supplying the identified needs and more importantly supervising their utilization and growth. Consistent follow-up is necessary to watch their progress.

The information and findings thus collected were documented and presented to the community through events, using video documentaries. The community was not aware of the sufferings of thousands of families in their surroundings. The documentary was an eye-opener in terms of depiction of the nightmares and continuous sufferings of many families, which motivated many into the actions of Huquq ul Ibaad. Short term support started pouring in from different angles and the gap between the receivers and the contributors got reduced to an extent.

These downtrodden families were unaware of any planning and strategies to utilize the support given to them. It was necessary to channelize the support in a systematic prioritized way. Hidayah Foundation had a vision of a comprehensive approach towards the overall development of the community. A five-pillar approach was considered for the overall development of the destitute families with three key areas of operations such as project planning, financial planning, and human resources planning.

Food Efforts


Primarily Ramadhan kits campaign was to identify the most deserving families from different slum pockets. Almost 1500 most deserving families were identified, who didn't have a breadwinner at home. A trend followed by many organizations was to provide food Kits during Ramadhan. Hidayah Foundation, on the other hand, took a more thoughtful route by converting the Ramadhan kit distribution to monthly rations for the entire year, as Ramadhan kits were just a temporary aid. Thus, HF could increase monthly ration benefits to more than 320 most deserving families.


Primarily Ramadhan kits campaign was to identify the most deserving families from different slum pockets. Almost 1500 most deserving families were identified, who didn't have a breadwinner at home. A trend followed by many organizations was to provide food Kits during Ramadhan. Hidayah Foundation, on the other hand, took a more thoughtful route by converting the Ramadhan kit distribution to monthly rations for the entire year, as Ramadhan kits were just a temporary aid. Thus, HF could increase monthly ration benefits to more than 320 most deserving families.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, a coordination committee was set up, involving over 20 NGOs to share information about the food distribution. Shocking collective figures of amounts being distributed to the same families, by almost all the NGOs, of the region. The facts that emerged are as follows

  • No proper data of deserving families of the region
  • Duplicate distribution happened to the extent of 8-10 times for the same family
  • Many of the families were selling the excess food kits they received.
  • The total money utilized is almost 2-3 times more than the required budget.
  • Engagement of 5-10 times more human resources than the required numbers.
  • This process of excess distribution led to the temptation of many venturing into the begging profession.
  • It is quite evident from the study that these problems were increasing, rather than decreasing.

Hidayah Foundation has initiated a campaign “Save Food and Feed The Hungry”. On the one hand, millions of children are suffering due to malnutrition and dying every day, on the other hand, millions of tons of food grains and cooked food are wasted every day. At the urban level, excess food prepared in extravagant parties and food wastage has become a normal occurrence. Needless to say, the next generation will follow the same customs. This colossal waste is the direct result of human error and we need to bring total awareness to save and conserve food. Hidayah Foundation, Youth Wing is planning a systematic campaign to Save and Preserve Food. Hidayah Foundation Women’s wing has taken all possible measures at the domestic level.


24/7 support , no breaks and weekends

Steered by our leaders who believe strongly in making a difference to the communities we live in, we are here to help people 24/7 without any break or any weekend off.